The broadcast equipment consisted of a 10
watt driver amplifier and a 60 watt power amplifier connected
to a "Slim Jim" aerial
via 10 mteres of low loss coax. A stereo philips
tape deck output was fed into the driver amplifier (The old DDP
Radio transmitter) via a Stereo Encoder which gave excellent seperation.
Two car batteries provided enough power sufficient for a 4 hour
A battery powered mixer was also used on site to fade in a jingle at tape changeover
give the illusion of a live broadcast (sorry fans -Ed). Work
was done on a link transmitter in the FM band and another in the TV UHF band
but for various reasons they
Surrey Sounds Stereo Encoder
90Mhz was chosen as the broadcast frequency, as
at that time it was clear of all BBC and IBA stations in the south-east.
The quality of the transmitter output was measured on an Hewlett-Packard
Spectrum Analyser to 2GHz.
DDP and then SS driver rig
Surrey Sounds 60W PA
the gear required for a broadcast
.......and now for the technical bit:
The Slim Jim is a vertically polarized omnidirectional end-fed
antenna having considerable "gain" and this is concentrated almost
parallel to ground toward the horizon rather than skyward making
it more efficient than a ground plane type antenna by about 50 percent
It uses a 'J' type matching stub (J Integrated Matching = JIM),
hense the name SLIM JIM. Since the vertical angle of radiation is
so narrow, about 8 degrees toward the horizon, it usually out performs
5/8 wave or groundplane
type construction due to their much higher angle of radiation.
It is estimated that the Slim Jim appears to have about 6dB gain
over a 5/8 wave antenna due to the extreme low angle of radiation.
(Most of the radiation is directed toward the horizion making the "gain" appear
much greater than other vertical type antennas).
The set-up gave an ERP of 120watts and on a clear
day reports were received from Essex, Reading and the
south coast. QSL cards
were sent in the early days for a confirmed contact.